West Palm Beach Broadway Boulevard Code Updated
The goal of this project is to update the vision and implement it by editing the zoning code for properties that face Broadway Boulevard from 23rd street north to the city limits. It has involved participation from the entire community. The initiative has been focused on helping the boulevard maximize its potential, focusing the form of streets, public spaces, and buildings as the framework for walkable, mixed-use places.
Our aspirations include:
Laying the foundation for an urban corridor that adds vitality to the adjacent Northwood Business District.
Preserving the character of adjacent residential properties and encouraging historic preservation of significant structures.
Encouraging transit-oriented development with higher densities where appropriate.
Encouraging more housing options, including work force housing, to become available along the corridor
Making sure the corridor and adjoining neighborhoods continue to be where its residents want it to be.
Throughout the process so far, we have had excellent interest and meaningful input from members of the community. Please continue to participate as we pass through the final stages of the zoning approval process. We expect to have this finalized and adopted by the end of 2024.
Thank you for your participation.

Please click the SURVEY button below to leave comments if you attended our presentation on October 23, 2024, or reviewed the proposed code update for BMUD using the links below. Thank You!
Click the button below to download the latest proposed BMUD updated code. The file size is about 3MB.
To see the images presented at the at the October 23rd meeting, click the button below. The file size is about 4 MB.

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